Mendeley Desktop is a bibliographic manager for storing and partitioning catalogs of books or articles in a digital library. With Mendeley Desktop user will properly prioritize his files, save his time and PC resources. Follow the link on this page to install Mendeley Desktop for Linux.

With the utility Mendeley Desktop will not have to manually do the linking, cataloging, you can use the program to add files that automatically go to the online database Mendeley. Documents are stored in cloud storage or written to removable media if desired. There is also a teamwork feature for the project.

The program is compatible with Linux platform, Ubuntu, Kubuntu 16.04 LTS, 17.04 and Debian Stretch in 32 and 64-bit sizes.

The functions of the program Mendeley Desktop for Linux

  • secure storage of bibliographic documents;
  • digital library cataloging;
  • saving texts as PDF files;
  • metadata extraction from files;
  • synchronization with your account;
  • annotating and margin notes;
  • searching for words in the library;
  • footnote extraction.

How to install Mendeley Desktop on Linux

Download the Mendeley Desktop installation file for Linux on this page. Wait for the file to download and open it, then wait for the program to fully install. Now open the program and start working.