
Rockstar Games Launcher is the official platform from Rockstar Games that allows players to access, purchase, and manage their Rockstar game collection on Windows. With an intuitive interface, it serves as a hub for all Rockstar titles, including GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2, and more.

Supported Windows Versions

Rockstar Games Launcher is compatible with:

  • Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11
  • This wide range of compatibility ensures that both older and newer Windows users can enjoy seamless access to their Rockstar game library.

Key Features of Rockstar Games Launcher:

  1. Unified Game Library: The launcher consolidates all your Rockstar Games titles in one place, making it easy to install, update, and manage your games.
  2. Cloud Saves: With integrated cloud save support, you can continue your progress on any compatible device by simply logging into your Rockstar account.
  3. Automatic Updates: The launcher automatically updates your installed games to the latest version, ensuring that you always have access to the latest patches and content.
  4. Exclusive Discounts and Offers: Rockstar Games Launcher frequently offers exclusive deals and discounts on games and DLCs, giving players more value for their money.
  5. Social Club Integration: The platform is integrated with Rockstar’s Social Club, allowing users to access their online profiles, view stats, and connect with friends.


Rockstar Games Launcher for Windows is a must-have for fans of Rockstar titles, offering a centralized hub for game management and exclusive content. Its compatibility with Windows 7 through 11 ensures that gamers on various Windows platforms can enjoy the benefits of this launcher.