DriverMax is the device's wired network card driver. The main feature of the free program is the connection of the hardware and software parts. The application also allows you to update devices. DriverMax supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 operating system with 64,32 bit depth. You can download DriverMax for free for Windows official version using the links on our page.

Built-in features

Since the driver is needed to control the device, the utility needs a secure connection function, so DriverMax guarantees the security and confidentiality of the content. A convenient option is manual configuration. The user can edit functions by enabling or disabling certain properties. Basically, the program works with a network card using chips. 


To install the program on your computer for free, you need to click on the link to the page intended for installation. To avoid problems with installation, you should familiarize yourself with the supported devices. Optionally, you can also familiarize yourself with the functionality again before downloading. As a result, all that remains is to find the built-in "Download" panel and click.

Installation after downloading

First, a dialog box will appear on the main screen - the program installation wizard. The user needs to click "Next", then accept the terms of the license agreement. If you agree with them, you should click "I accept the agreement", then select the folder for installing the program, click "Next", select the folder for storing shortcuts, click "Next" again. After that, it is important to tick the appropriate boxes and click "Next" and then "Install". At the end of the installation, a dialog box will appear that notifies the user that DriverMax identifies the installed drivers for devices.


Thus, it turned out that DriverMax is a popular program for updating drivers and managing devices. The application is not only free, but also easy to use.