
In the visually dynamic world of messaging, customization is key to making a chat truly your own. Telegram, known for its flexibility, allows users to go beyond the basic features. In this article, we'll explore the art of creating animated backgrounds for Telegram chats that will help you stand out in the virtual crowd.

Why do you need animated backgrounds

Animated backgrounds add personality to Telegram chats, turning them from static to lively. If you want to show your creativity or just enjoy a more dynamic environment, animated backgrounds are what you need.

Creating animated backgrounds for Telegram

Creating an animated background involves several creative steps. Here's a guide to help you get started:

1. Select or create an animation

Start by choosing or creating the animation you want to use. This can be a GIF, a short video clip, or even a specially designed animation.

2. Optimize for Telegram

Make sure the animation meets Telegram's file size and format requirements. Keep in mind that large files may take longer to download.

3. Convert to a format supported by Telegram

Telegram supports animated backgrounds in MP4 format. Use a reliable converter to make sure your animation is in the right format.

4. Upload to the cloud service

To make the process smoother, upload your animated background to a cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox. This will allow you to easily share the link.

5. Create a bot in Telegram

To set an animated background, you will need a bot. Create a new bot in Telegram by contacting BotFather. Follow the prompts to get a unique bot token.

6. Get the chat ID

Start communicating with the new bot. Send the bot any message and then go to the following URL in your browser, replacing "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN" with a real token:

  • Locate the "chat" object. The number associated with "id" is the identifier of your chat.

7. Set an animated background

Send the following message to the bot:

  • /setbackground URL
  • Replace "URL" with a direct link to your animated background.

8. Enjoy the animated background

Once installed, the animated background should become active. Enjoy the lively atmosphere in your Telegram chats.

Tips for smooth operation

  • Optimize file size: To make the animated background load faster, maintain an acceptable file size.
  • Select subtle animations: Avoid overly distracting animations that can interfere with reading text.
  • Test on multiple devices: Make sure the animated background looks good on different devices and screen sizes.


Creating animated backgrounds for Telegram is a great way to personalize your chats. By following these steps and unleashing your creativity, you'll enhance your Telegram conversations and stand out in the world of digital conversations. Take advantage of the dynamism of animated backgrounds and let your chats come to life!