When trying to uninstall the famous Avast antivirus program, many users encounter a problem. The program treats attempts to remove it as machinations of ill-wishers and does not lend itself to removal. Avast is deeply embedded in the registry, file system, and uses all available methods of self-preservation of software. To remove the antivirus program, experts have developed the Avast Clear utility, which removes the antivirus version installed on your PC. Follow the link on this page and download the free official version of Avast Clear for Windows.

The application is suitable for installation on Windows platform version 7, 8, 10, 11, XP, Vista. Size 32 and 64-bit.

The functions of Avast Clear for Windows

  • irrevocable removal of Avast antivirus;
  • easy use;
  • safe mode;
  • comprehensive functionality;
  • user support;
  • no effect on system performance.

How to download Avast Clear for Windows

Follow the link on this page and download the installation file. Then open the file and wait until the program is installed on your PC, then open the program and start working.

How to remove Avast antivirus with Avast Clear

  • start your computer in safe mode;
  • launch the Avast Clear utility;
  • find the folder where you store your antivirus;
  • click on "uninstall";
  • restart your PC.

Important: Choose the folder to uninstall very carefully, otherwise you may remove another file.

What programs does Avast Clear uninstall

  • Avast Free Antivirus;
  • Avast Pro Antivirus;
  • Avast Internet Security;
  • Avast Premier;
  • Avast Business Security.


Avast Clear does an excellent job of uninstalling the antivirus programs of the same company if it is impossible to remove the program in the standard way. The removal process is automated and does not require any additional action from the user.