Ctrl + Shift + A
Add project folder
Ctrl + W
Close Tab
Ctrl + Shift + W
Close window
Ctrl + F4
Ctrl + Shift + N
New window
Ctrl + N
New file
Ctrl + Shift + O
Open folder
Ctrl + Shift + T
Reopen closed item
Ctrl + O
Open file
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + Shift + S
Save as
Developer mode
Ctrl + Shift + Y
Run package specs
Ctrl + Shift + F5
Reload window
Ctrl + Shift + I
Toggle dev tools
Ctrl + Shift + U
Encoding selector:show
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + U / Ctrl + K + Ctrl + L
Upper/lower case
Ctrl + Shift + V
Paste without reformatting
Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Newline below/above
Ctrl + Shift + L
Grammar selector: show
Ctrl + Shift + Home / Ctrl + Shift + End
Select to top/bottom
Ctrl + A
Select all
Ctrl + Shift + ← / Ctrl + Shift + →
Select to beginning/end of word
Alt + Shift + ← / Alt + Shift + →
Select to previous/next subword boundary
Shift + Home / Shift + End
Select to first/end character of line
Ctrl + L
Select line
Ctrl + Alt + ↑ / Ctrl + Alt + ↓
Add selection above/below
Ctrl + Shift + D
Duplicate lines
Ctrl + Alt + .
Bracket matcher:close tag
Ctrl + Shift + C
Copy path
Consolidate selections
Ctrl + Shift + Q
Autoflow: reflow selection
Ctrl + ← / Ctrl + →
Move to beginning/end of word
Home / End
Move to first/end character of line
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
Move to top/bottom
Ctrl + Shift + ,
Scroll to cursor
Ctrl + M
Go to matching bracket
Ctrl + G
Go to line: toggle
Alt + Shift + ← / Alt + Shift + →
Move selection left/right
Alt + ← / Alt + →
Move to previous/next subword boundary
Ctrl + ↑ / Ctrl + ↓
Move line up/down
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + 0
Unfold all
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + [
Fold selection
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + (1 - 9)
Fold at indent level (1 - 9)
Ctrl + Alt + [ / Ctrl + Alt + ]
Fold/unfold current row
Ctrl + Alt + { / Ctrl + Alt + }
Fold/unfold all
Ctrl + J
Join lines
Alt + ↑
Select larger syntax node
Ctrl + /
Toggle line comments
Alt + ↓
Select smaller syntax node
Ctrl + ]
Bracket matcher:remove brackets from selection
Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [
Indent/outdent selected rows
Alt + Backspace / Alt + Del
Delete to beginning/end of subword
Ctrl + Backspace / Ctrl + Del
Delete to begin/end of word
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace
Remove matching brackets
Ctrl + Shift + K
Delete line
Ctrl + Alt + ,
Bracket matcher:select inside brackets
Ctrl + ,
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R
Reload all
Ctrl + 0
Markdown preview:reset zoom
Ctrl + :
Spell check:correct misspelling
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + Z
Search and replace
Alt + F3
Select all
Ctrl + Alt + /
Toggle regex option
Ctrl + Shift + E
Use selection as replace pattern
Ctrl + E
Use selection as find pattern
Ctrl + B
Fuzzy finder:toggle buffer finder
Ctrl + Shift + F
Project find: show
Alt + Enter
Find all
Ctrl + F3 / Ctrl + Shift + F3
Find next selected
Ctrl + D
Select next
Ctrl + Shift + B
Fuzzy finder:toggle git status finder
F3 / Shift + F3
Find next/previous
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + D
Select skip
Ctrl + P
Fuzzy finder: toggle file finder
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + Alt + W
Pane: close other items
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + W
Close pane
Ctrl + Shift + 9
Toggle git tab
Ctrl + Shift + 8
Toggle github tab
Ctrl + 9
Toggle git tab focus
Ctrl + 8
Toggle github tab focus
Ctrl +Shift + ← / Ctrl +Shift + →
Move item left/right
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Show previous/next recently used item
Alt + (1 - 9)
Show item (1 - 9)
Ctrl + PgDn / Ctrl + PgUp
Show next/previous item
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + ↓ / Ctrl + K + Ctrl + ↑
Focus pane below/above
Ctrl + K + ↑ / Ctrl + K + ↓
Split up/down and copy active item
Ctrl + K + ← / Ctrl + K →
Split left and copy active item
Ctrl + Alt + = / Ctrl + Alt + -
Increase/decrease size
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + ← / Ctrl + K + Ctrl + →
Focus pane on left/right
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + N
Focus next/previous pane
Ctrl + 0
Image view:reset zoom
Ctrl + = / Ctrl + -
Zoom in/out
Ctrl + 9
Image view:zoom to fit
Ctrl + Shift + F2
Сlear bookmarks
F2 / Shift + F2
Jump to next/previous bookmark
Ctrl + F2
Bookmarks: view all
Ctrl + Alt + F2
Toggle bookmark
Project tree
Ctrl + Shift + C
Copy full path
Shift + A
Add folder
Add file
Ctrl + (1 - 9)
Open selected entry in pane (1 - 9)
Ctrl + K + H / Ctrl + K + L
Open selected entry left/right
Ctrl + K + ↓ / Ctrl + K + ↑
Open selected entry down/up
Ctrl + K, J / Ctrl + K, K
Open selected entry up/down
Ctrl + K + ← / Ctrl + K + →
Open selected entry left
Ctrl + |
Reveal active file
Alt + \
Toggle focus
Ctrl + K + Ctrl + B
Tree view: toggle
Ctrl + \
Tree view:toggle
Ctrl + Alt + ] / Ctrl + Alt + [
Recursive expand ( collapse) directory
Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [
Tree view:expand/collapse item
Collapse directory
Alt + ← / Alt + →
Recursive collapse directory
Toggle full screen
Ctrl + Shift + G
Styleguide: show
Ctrl + .
Key binding resolver:toggle
Ctrl + 0
Reset font size
Ctrl + Shift + P
Command palette: toggle
Ctrl + = / Ctrl + -
Increase/decrease font size
Alt + G, D
Git diff: toggle diff list
Alt + G + ↓ / Alt + G + ↑
Git diff:move to next/previous diff
Alt + G, B
Open on github: blame
Alt + G, =
Github: clone
Alt + G, Enter
Github: commit
Alt + G, F
Github: fetch
Alt + G, Shift + F
Github: pull
Alt + G, P
Github: push
About us
Ssl sertifikāts ir instalēts - vietne ir autentiska, visi savienojumi ir šifrēti.