WhatsApp application for iOS messenger to exchange messages, images, videos. It is convenient to use group chats to work on a single project, on training courses, to communicate on interests. Download the official version of the utility WhatsApp for iOS free on this page.

The utility works on iOS platform version 6.0 and above.The utility works on iOS platform version 6.0 and above. 

WhatsApp application on iOS platform has a clear interface,control panel, the ability to make fine-tuning and move items to different places. Power consumption is minimal, the application runs at high speed, even on older models.

Functions of WhatsApp on iOS platform

  • receive and send audio, text, video files;
  • recording voice messages;
  • create group chats;
  • personal profile setup;
  • geolocation;
  • send contact from phonebook;
  • mention users in text;
  • link with PC;
  • storing call histories and sending them by email;
  • data encryption.

To install WhatsApp on your cell phone or tablet, click the download link on this page. Once downloaded, open the file and install the application. Once the installation is complete, a shortcut will appear on your desktop. The installation is complete.

WhatsApp has only one disadvantage, it is impossible to call emergency services.