Twitter is a popular messenger that every user is one of the first to install on their phone. The software is capable of sending small messages. After the creation of the service, a new concept of "microblogging" appeared. It meant publishing text messages in blog format. You can download the official version of Twitter for Android for free using the links on our page.

Software Options

sending messages to one contact or mass mailing;

  • international calls;
  • compressing files before sending;
  • blocking unwanted contacts;
  • quick account registration and linking to a phone number;
  • group chats;
  • changing the background;
  • search by correspondence.


To download the program to your mobile device, follow the link on this page, then open the file, wait for the program to install and open the application.

Getting to know the utility

  • A tweet is a small phrase posted by a user on a page. The status will be visible in the profile.
  • Retweet status, which can be copied and pasted into the profile description. This phrase will display the person being quoted;
  • Advertising tweet - a quote created by a person to attract customers. Most often these people are marketers.
  • Hashtag - the "#" sign. Before the phrase, the user can put a symbol so that the inscription is visible not only to subscribers, but also to other people.
  • Current topics - a tab created to describe the news. It is used to display popular and discussed topics.