
In the digital age, ensuring the security of our devices is of paramount importance. Antivirus programmes such as 360 Total Security play a vital role in protecting our systems from potential threats. However, there are situations when certain tasks may require you to temporarily disable antivirus protection. In this article, we will explain how to temporarily disable 360 Total Security while keeping your device safe. Read on to learn the steps and recommendations you need to follow to ensure smooth operation.

Understanding the need to temporarily disable

Before we begin outlining the steps, it's important to understand when and why you may need to temporarily disable your antivirus software. Common scenarios include:

  • Installation of certain programmes or updates requires temporary disabling of antivirus protection to prevent conflicts or false positives.
  • During intense gaming sessions, antivirus may be temporarily disabled to avoid performance degradation.
  • When performing resource-intensive tasks, such as video editing, you may need to temporarily disable antivirus to achieve optimal system performance.

Step-by-step guide: Temporarily disable 360 Total Security

  1. Locate the 360 Total Security icon in the system tray, which is usually located in the bottom right corner of the screen next to the clock.
  2. Right-click on the 360 Total Security icon to open the context menu.
  3. From the context menu, select Suspend Protection or similar.
  4. Select the period of time for which you want to disable protection. The following options are usually selected: 1 hour, 4 hours, or until the next system restart.
  5. When prompted, confirm the decision to temporarily disable protection.
  6. Protection is disabled

After completing these steps, 360 Total Security protection will be temporarily disabled for the specified period of time. Care should be taken while disabling the protection.

Safety precautions when disabling protection

Although it is necessary to temporarily disable the antivirus, please observe the following safety precautions:

  • Stay offline: If possible, do not access the Internet or download files from unknown sources while protection is disabled.
  • Switch on after completing a task: After completing a task, promptly turn on antivirus protection to keep your device secure.
  • Reliable sources: Only disable protection if you are sure of the source of the files or programmes you are interacting with.


360 Total Security provides solid protection against digital threats, but there are situations where temporarily disabling protection is necessary. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using caution, you can easily handle tasks that require antivirus deactivation. Remember that the security of your device should always be your top priority.