DaisyDisk is a popular system cleaning software. The application allows you to clear the memory on the disk space. The utility was created in 2008 by Software Ambirnce. Often users are faced with a system alert that it's time to clean the system. DaisyDisk scans the entire disk space and shows in the form of a table where the free space on the disk has disappeared, so the software is relevant among users. The popular application is universal because of the large number of free and working built-in features. You can download DaisyDisk for free for Mac OS official version using the links that are on our page.

Built-in features of the utility

  • the user can edit the settings functions, including or disabling certain properties;
  • the creation of backups is carried out in the interests of the user;
  • when scanning the device, a unique connection code will be used, which guarantees security from unauthorized access;
  • DaisyDisk is characterized by high speed and performance.

Downloading DaisyDisk

To install the program on a computer or laptop, follow these steps:

  1. follow the link to install;
  2. optionally, find out information about the built-in features;
  3. find and click on the built-in "Download" panel;
  4. run the installation file;
  5. specify the path for the file, for example, desktop;
  6. wait until the package is fully loaded.

Instructions for using the software

To display statistics and clean up file garbage, you must first select the hard disk to scan. After that, you need to run the check. Statistics will be displayed in a table or pie chart displaying all file garbage. Each sector of the diagram shows system folders that require cleaning. The numbers enclosed in circles will be located next to it. They show the percentage of occupied space with free space.    

Files can be combined into lists and moved to the trash. The list represents the added files with the amount of possible space release.


So, DaisyDisk is a utility for managing and clearing the memory of the wild space of devices. The installation of the program is free, and the use is simple and comfortable.